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加拿大 納奈莫 真實住客分享的飯店評語


  • 「房間環境整潔、舒適!房間風景很好!浴室很乾淨!一樓還有小賣部!附近買東西方便~」

  • 錦龜賓館 評分:6.9

    「原先看到之前的評論很是擔心 但來了之後發現其實並不差阿 房客很少,空間使用上超足夠 所在位置超好,地點非常方便 一二樓都有旅遊資訊冊可翻閱 公共區也很好只是樓下Bar略吵 最重要的是台灣職員王大哥人超好 盡忠職守維護整潔,超級親切友善 (The previous comments made me worried, but it wasn't that bad. Few guests, not crowded at all. The location was excellent. There were hostelmade travel information books on 1F&2F. The shared space was good, but the corner bar downstairs made noises. The staff, Gary, was really nice. He worked very hard to keep the environment clean. And he was super kind and helpful.)」

  • 巴卡涅酒店 評分:8.5


  • 錦龜賓館 評分:6.9


  • 「非常干净舒适,物超所值,地理位置方便,推荐给朋友」

納奈莫 Top 5 最佳飯店

依據 10,629 則 Booking.com 飯店評語
